Saturday, 16 May 2009

May is National Stroke Awareness Month

Stroke, also known more recently as "brain attack," is a very serious issue in America. A stroke is caused by a blood clot that clogs an artery or blood vessel and disrupts the blood flow to part or parts of the brain. It is the third leading cause of death and the No. 1 cause of adult disability, according to the National Stroke Association.

It is important to become educated about strokes because up to 80% of them are preventable, and if hospital treatment is received within 3 hours of having a stroke, some symptoms may be reversable.
I read a poster in a local hospital recently that coincides with information at: The poster was designed to give non-medically trained individuals some basic information that might help to recognize a stroke. Instructions were given in the information to have a suspected stroke victim follow a simple set of tasks that would be difficult for someone having a stroke to follow. Those instructions are:

  • Ask the individual to smile.
  • Ask the individual to raise both arms and keep them raised.
  • Ask the individual to speak a simple sentence (coherently). For example, "It is sunny out today."
There is a great deal of information about strokes on both of these sites, as well as across the internet. Please take the time to read more about this topic. When it comes to strokes, time matters. The more time it takes a person to receive medical care, the less chance of brain restoration or survival there is for that individual.